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Should you crush the Competition?

Last night, I spent an hour battling it out with the Corridor Commission trying to approve the new KFC building design.

Not exactly battling it out…but they wanted ‘branding’, we wanted ‘appropriate materials’, and never the twain shall meet.

Or so it seemed.

But we took to time to listen, to speak, to understand the others’ viewpoint…and when it was over, the KFC owner said, “Thank you…I believe you’ve improved my restaurant.”


Sometimes we get so caught up in having our way, that we get into ‘fight-or-flight’ mode…causing lots more stress.  Then it usually ends up with neither side happy, but find a way to “begrudgingly agree”.

But if we start looking for the best outcome, regardless of who ‘wins’, we can combine our competitive/survival nature with our cooperative/growth nature…

and we’ll usually end up with something much better than expected.

(Most people skip that part, because it takes a little time… a little patience… and a lot of listening.)

I learn a lot when I listen to a patient’s body…I also learn a lot when I listen to my friends’ opposing viewpoints, and we still get along afterwards.  Listening helps me understand and appreciate the complexities of Human Nature, and stay in cooperative/growth mode.


Dr Vince

PS  If you’re Fight-or-Flight mode is on overdrive (especially with the Holidays and Election Season :-), we can help you de-stress   706-342-7115

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